The Glass Dagger S01E06 – Loyalty pt 1

The Glass Dagger is an audio only, D&D Actual Play set in the City of Splendors – Waterdeep. Join us biweekly on your favoured podcast catcher!

5 years ago


The nights in Waterdeep’s Dock Ward can devolve into lost wanderings through the hilly streets. For our four heroes, why should tonight be any different?

Lt. General Hughes, Grimace and Simeon are on the trail of Gobbs as he slips from shadow to shadow towards the Shameless’ hideout. But something lurks with glistening teeth and a hungry belly…

The Cast

Ashley Mowers as Lt General Halirrhothius Hughes

Allen Mowers as Simeon Diresman

Kyle Stainbrook as Grimace

Jeff Romo as your Dungeon Master

Music and Sound by Syrinscape ‘Epic games need Epic game sound’

Additional Music provided via Creative Commons by Kevin McLeod

Copyright Min/Max Podcast 2023